Page 22 - DominateSocialTraffic101-Flip-Spreadl.doc
P. 22


You can read all sorts of information about what has worked for
others, but you would really be missing the point of social media
because in reality social media offers a personal way of
communicating with your audience and what works for another
business or blogger may not work for you and what works for
your audience may not work for them.

    What is the Point of Social Media?

Many people end up wasting a lot of energy on social media. They
will try to drive their readers and consumers to their social media
profiles, which is the opposite of what you want. The ultimate
goal of a social media profile is to drive people from the profile to
your website or blog and not the other way around.
Social media profiles should be used as sign posts for
directing/attracting people to your website or blog where they
may buy. Your website or blog should focus on converting visitors
to customers, not sending customers to the outposts.
Social media profiles need to stand solidly on their own.  22
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